MySQL update of numeric field with sequential number

Suppose you have a table as follow:


and you want to update the Id field with a sequential rank 1,2,3,4,... In MySQL this is a way to do so:

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Windows Update Error 80072efd

I struggled for 2 hours with a Windows 2008 SP 2 machine that refused to do anything other than presenting an 80072efd error when asked to perform a Windows Update check. It worked two months ago. Nothing has changed to the best of my knowledge. I tried all the MS KB's. Nothing helped.

So when I merely changed Update Frequency to Install Updates Automatically and checked again, it suddenly started working. WTF?

PS: Seems like this was just a fluke. The real problem was that even though I removed the old (invalid) proxy server definition from IE, it still lingered in

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How to find a user's SID

Sometimes I need to fiddle with a registry setting normally under HKEYCURRENTUSER, but that points to your own hive. When you need to change another user's registry whilst being logged in on a terminal server, you cannot load the hive file ntuser.dat as it is already loaded. For that issue the following command in cmd.exe:

wmic useraccount get name,sid

Then use the SID to locate the user's hive under HKEY_USERS.

The problem with today's instant news

News article
News article

Unhappy case

Just received a business requirement document from a multi billion dollar company... Guess this "Used [sic] Case" is feeling tired even though it is only number 1!

Used Case
Used Case