
Little bit like Neo,
It is and it isn't.
Only difference,
the coda.

More importantly though
is the revelation of inevitability:

Whimpers of fate
... never fade away.

Java 1.7 and JBoss 5.1.0.GA

To get JBoss 5.1.0.GA working under Oracle's JDK 1.7, you might run into this error when starting JBoss:

Error installing to Instantiated: name=AttachmentStore state=Described

The solution is to edit the file

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A cold cat's remedy

This is what Mowgli does when he feels the outside air is too cold for his tastes:

Warm and snug Mowgli
Warm and snug Mowgli

Why does this scare the crap out of me?

I will think twice about flying on a 787.

As per Computer World:

“The internet of things, in a broad sense, is where we are starting to see everything from planes to cargo devices getting connected,” Bulman said. "The latest planes we are getting, the Boeing 787s, are incredibly connected. Literally every piece of that plane has an internet connection, from the engines, to the flaps, to the landing gear."

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MySQL remove duplicate rows

If you have a table as follows:


and you would like to remove all duplicate rows, the easiest method is to create an unique index like so:

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