Internet Speed

Not too shabby.... Uploading 1.2TB to AWS S3:

Completed 1.2 TiB/1.2 TiB (84.7 MiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining

Network Bandwidth - S3 Upload
Network Bandwidth - S3 Upload
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Project #16: Shave Tree

If someone asks you to make a stand for your safety razors, you would probably come up with a design such as this or this.

I however am a glutton for punishment and cannot think like normal people do so my first idea was this:

Teak Shave Tree
Teak Shave Tree
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Weak Password?

Password Strength
Password Strength

Somehow I disagree. My password is 96 characters - there is a limit to how many repeated characters an attacker will try with no knowledge of the password:


Project #15: Electronic Workbench

A year ago I purchased some rough lumber (Sugar Maple) to build a 2m x 800mm x 780mm electronic workbench. The design was my own as I did not like what I found online.

The two table tops I finished by hand - hand planing,. sawing etc. Some cuts were made on the bandsaw and I trimmed the edges with a track saw. The legs I got lazy - I used a Hammer A3-31 jointer/planer, however the joinery was a combination of a router and hand techniques. A truly hybrid table, but the end result I think is great.

Final Electronic Workbench
Final Electronic Workbench
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What Is Wrong With Our Society?


Between June 2020 and September 2021, Douglas Wright, Jr., an operations manager at Amazon’s Charlotte warehouse, allegedly stole products with a total value of more than $273,000, using his access to get computer parts like internal hard drives and processors, according to the DOJ. Wright said in court on Friday that he shipped the products to his home, then sold them to a computer wholesale company in California.

Wright faces up to 20 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. A sentencing date has not been set.

20 years for stealing $250k, yet 10 years for trying to aggressively kill someone, 7 years for kidnapping, 10 years for manslaughter, 8 for rape I...