Some people have had very doomsday like reactions towards the newly released GPT-3 bot from OpenAI. They showed how it can generate code from a pure english problem statement, identify bugs, and understand what a piece of code does. This is all true - it is scarily good. However, do not trust it blindly. It is not nearly as good as a skilled programmer. I asked him-her this:
How do I calculate the amount of months difference between two dates in Python?
She-him responded:
A while ago I got myself a sit/stand desk. The idea was that if you are spending 8 - 12 hours a day working behind a computer, it might help if you can alternate sitting with standing. That has proven to be very helpful, however I did have one gripe with the desk.
The control to raise and lower the desk is a lever that you either push down to lower the desk, or pull up to raise it. You can program start and stop values, so that the desk only lowers to the low setpoint and raises to the high setpoint. However you need to keep the lever engaged until the desk reaches its position. This takes about 11 seconds. Even the advanced electronic control option that you can order for the desk requires you to keep the button pressed until the desk reaches its setpoint. So stupid.
I decided to fix this the hard way. I opened up the lever control mechanism to determine exactly what makes the desk engage when you toggle the lever.
This is how we do summer to winter transition - we do not meddle with the silly concept known as fall / autumn.
TeamViewer is a remote support tool widely used in the industry to allow someone (typically an IT support person or scammer) to assist you with technical issues you may have on your computer, by remotely connecting to your computer and control the mouse and keyboard, and see what is on your screen just like being in front of the computer.
The way it works is the end user needing the support will run the application, the application will generate an ID (tied to your PC) and a random password and display it to the user. The user would then share these two numbers with the remote support person, they would enter it in their copy of TeamViewer and then connect.
The flaw is this: Users tend to leave TeamViewer running all the time as they are lazy or uninformed. So when I went to a local store the other day, I saw TeamViewer was running on their POS terminal, with the ID and password open for everyone to see. I could have taken a quick photo with my smartphone and connect later that night and do whatever they can on that PC.