A 5.2GB Yosemite download does this to my network - took only a couple of minutes:
No, I did not paint anything. I have no artistic skills when it comes to creating art. I can capture art though, which is a very different thing. I know what looks great and what sucks. So that allows me to capture photos that look good. However, painting something is a very different art form I can only admire but never perform myself.
So I am very proud that one of my photos has inspired a very talented artist, Aimee Hoover, to paint it larger than life. She did a great job in showcasing the animal from an artists' point of view as opposed to a photographer's.
I found that the below command works well to not copy a file if it already exists and is the same / newer from a Windows NTFS folder to a SMB share:
robocopy /mir /copy:DAT /TIMFIX /R:2 /W:2 /FFT <Source Folder> <Target Share>
We all know about the discovery of the Higgs boson. However there is one question that bugs me a lot:
The LHC cost about $5bn to build, and it can attain energies up to 8TeV. This was needed to discover the Higgs boson with an energy of 126GeV. But if the Higgs was much more energetic, we would not have had the money to fund a particle accelerator that would be able to find it. How does it work that the energy of the Higgs was just right so that we could (barely) afford the $5bn for a particle accelerator that could find it? Had it been much more energetic, we might have needed a particle accelerator ten times the circumference, at a cost of perhaps $50bn, most unlikely to ever be approved?