Get Exchange Mailboxes by Name, Size and Item Count

Execute this in EMS (Adapted from here):

$(Foreach ($mailbox in Get-Recipient -ResultSize Unlimited  -RecipientType UserMailbox){
$Stat = $mailbox | Get-MailboxStatistics | Select TotalItemSize,ItemCount
    New-Object PSObject -Property @{
    FirstName = $mailbox.FirstName
    LastName = $mailbox.LastName
    DisplayName = $mailbox.DisplayName
    TotalItemSize = $Stat.TotalItemSize.value.ToBytes()
    ItemCount = $Stat.ItemCount
    PrimarySmtpAddress = $mailbox.PrimarySmtpAddress
    Alias = $mailbox.Alias
}) | Select FirstName,LastName,DisplayName,TotalItemSize,ItemCount,PrimarySmtpAddress,Alias | 
Export-CSV C:MailboxReport.csv -NTI

An photomicrograph image got published

Front page of
Front page of

My photo made it (barely) in Nikon Small World 2014

Nikon Small World 2014 Image of Distinction
Nikon Small World 2014 Image of Distinction

Nikon Small World 2014 Image of Distinction

Upgrading to Yosemite

Be careful if you try to upgrade to Yosemite. Mine was stuck at "About a minute remaining" and I hard reset the Mac after 2 hours... Thought it was stuck.

It never booted again - I ended up having to restore from Time Machine:

Mac Restoring
Mac Restoring

Happy Birthday....
