These two sunsets were taken recently by me from within 1km of my home. Quite awesome views...
My Barnacle Cirri image was selected for's front page for March 2016.
Do not get me wrong - I think in general the MythBusters TV series was fantastic for raising awareness of the utility (and fun) science holds. But sometimes they get something so wrong that it upsets me. I have complained about some of these errors before. This time however, the mistake was not with a specific myth as much as with the scientific approach in general.
MythBusters repeatedly refers to the scientific process they are following in their show. In specific, when performing tests they usually point out that they need a larger sample size to ensure a meaningful result, as a single test will hardly yield useful information, as they said: "If it is not repeatable, it is not science". So how is it then, in the episode Unfinished Business where one of the myths they tested whether a computer game simulating a real life skill can improve your real life skill, they fail completely in this regard? Specifically:
A simple thing such as reading a product label and understanding what it says is beyond my cognitive abilities apparently. Is the below juice 70% juice, 100% juice or what? My head is melting.