What are the two greatest sins?

  • Dishonesty
  • Lack of integrity

Stock Lies

I recently came across this website selling time tracking & billing software. What drew my attention was when I scrolled to the bottom section "What others say about us". I immediately recognized the style of photography as being stock portraits. Initially I wanted to perform a Google image based search, but right after I copied the image URL of the first portrait I realized they did not hide it very well:


Clearly this is a stock photo from iStock. Personally I find this very distasteful - associating a false, probably superior and more likeable photo with a real person's statement. Well, that is assuming those testimonials are not fake, either. That is the problem with trust - you crack it then the whole thing comes tumbling down.

The New Siri Remote...

...sucks so hard I could have mistaken it for a celestial black hole. I am not sure who designed it; this is clearly an example of form follows function, but with no regard for real life "function". In theory - be that on a piece of paper, white board, CAD application - whatever they used to design it, it clearly was the end of the road for the design assessment process. I cannot fathom how a company that has more money than <replace with any deity you fancy> can make a blunder as big as this hateful remote.

I ran out as quickly as my gingerbread legs could carry me to purchase one when it was first released, as I loved the concept of a trackpad to swipe as that is what you tend to do most with the Apple remote. I loved it unconditionally like those overeager designers back in Cupertino. The first few minutes of use was glorious - I loved it.

Unfortunately the remote became an anagram for "spouse" (don't think too hard about the technical accuracy of that statement): You don't have one. Then one day you see it in front of you, beautiful, elegant, throbbing with potential. You fall madly in love with its picture. You spend lots of money to get it, concluding the marriage, and throwing out the old one (that worked well mind you). The first night together is unforgettable. You caress the smooth surface, swiping up and down with excitement. You smile and she smiles back at you.

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If You Are In Oxford...

Check this out. Pretty awesome stuff. Do watch the video - I drooled over that printer.

I Accept Your $20 Quote For a Computer Keyboard...

Just before paying, customer decides to ask Best Buy dude with a perfectly serious and straight face:

Oh, can you also add that $2000 computer, that $500 monitor, the $80 mouse and some networking gear valued at $500? I will pay you the $20 when everything is delivered.
