Why would any account need to use a number of this format: 4217420723618770
That number is big enough to give a unique account number to every living human being in almost 600 000 earth like planets. Since this company does not even have 1 million customers, I am confused.
According to a recent survey of over 2,000 adults conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Dashlane, an online password management and identity service, almost 4 in 10 Americans (39% to be exact) would go without making love for one entire year if it meant they’d never have to worry about identity theft, being hacked, or losing an online account ever again. Source
Ummm... No.
Let the foreground be the reason why you stop,
Let the background be the reason why you linger.
- Waldo Nell
Today America announced their new president - Donald Trump. And with that we have concluded yet another one of the infinite cycles. See, I believe that we as human beings struggle tremendously to move forward in a linear path towards progress. We love looping back on our own path and regress. Sometimes these circles are very big, but they are still there.
I am not into politics but for a long time we have been moving forward in general with STEM. Since STEM is pretty fundamental to our way of life now, that is a good thing. However, what happened in America is not unlike what has happened in 1994 in South Africa.
Back then the white government reigned and pushed the country forward from a STEM point of view. A minority of the people voted to keep this state of affairs going - it was illegal for blacks to vote at all. Clearly biased and unfair, but that is how it was. In 1994 voting was opened for everyone, and so the people cast their votes. The ANC won the election, elected by almost exclusively the blue collar workers. Most of these people were uneducated, illiterate, earned perhaps $20 per month and completely ignorant to anything politically related. They just wanted change as they were made promises by the ANC that played to their needs.