
I guess everybody knows this already, but I will reiterate this fact - pardon the pun:

Later, Scaramucci added, "You're saying that you do, and you’re saying the scientific community knows, and I’m saying people have gotten things wrong throughout the 5,500-year history of our planet—human history, I should say."
Source 1, Source 2

This carefully phrased statement will appeal to both the democrats and the republicans - as people tend to hear what they want to hear. Many will probably interpret this to mean Scaramucci believes in the Young Earth Hypothesis, and they will support him even more. If ever confronted by non believers, he can quickly turn around and claim that he referred to "5500 years of human history and that he never implied anything about his beliefs in the planet being only 5500 years old.

Full Article

Steve Jobs Will Be So Happy With This

Just look at how elegant this is... All his hard work finally came to fruition...

iPad Pro Charging Apple Pencil
iPad Pro Charging Apple Pencil


Why would any account need to use a number of this format: 4217420723618770

That number is big enough to give a unique account number to every living human being in almost 600 000 earth like planets. Since this company does not even have 1 million customers, I am confused.


Recent article in Canadian newspaper
Recent article in Canadian newspaper

About Sex and Hacking

According to a recent survey of over 2,000 adults conducted by Harris Poll on behalf of Dashlane, an online password management and identity service, almost 4 in 10 Americans (39% to be exact) would go without making love for one entire year if it meant they’d never have to worry about identity theft, being hacked, or losing an online account ever again. Source

Ummm... No.