I received an SMS message (text message for those Americans amongst you) this morning at 07:04 from my wireless service provider, proclaiming to have given me a free 1GB of data per month. All I had to do was to click the link to enable it.
Firstly I was suspicious at the time the message was sent. My carrier has never sent me an SMS message that early. Secondly, the number did not match anything I associate with them - but that is a bit tenuous as they sometimes use weird internal numbers. The URL in the message (partly blocked out) did seem reasonable but also not exactly what I thought it should be.
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.Long
In specific, all I want to do is use a JSTL variable as index to a variable someMap as follows:
Map<Integer, SomeObject> someMap = new HashMap<>();
<c:forEach begin="0" end="10" var="level">
<c:out value="${someMap[level]}" />
The light in my kitchen is not very conducive to good photography - in part due to its harshness, but also its colour that just sucks. So when I made some boring (but healthy) food the other night, I decided to see how the Leica Q holds up under these horrible lighting conditions. Remember, all I had was a 28mm F1.7 lens... These images have been processed "to taste".