Time Travel Paradox

It seems more and more movies these days make use of time travel as a main plot line. I am specifically referring to traveling to the past - as travelling into the future is not just plausible, it is proven to be possible.

The thing with traveling into the future - there is no breaking of any known physical laws.

Traveling into the past is another story. Forget the grandfather paradox. Why is nobody discussing the blatant violation of The Law Of Conservation of Energy? If you traveled back in time there would be two of you. Where did the energy come from to support your second copy? Conservation of energy must be amended to sum energy over a different temporal period than the current definition for time travel into the past to work.

Hummingbirds Are Back :)

Rufous Hummingbird #1
Rufous Hummingbird #1
Rufous Hummingbird #2
Rufous Hummingbird #2

Common Myth About Science & Math Requirements For Computer Programming

There is this common, persistent and incredibly misguided belief among everybody I have ever spoken to that you need to be well versed in science and especially mathematics to be able to be a good computer programmer.

This has just been perpetuated here again in the comments.

Analytical skills is most definitely needed to be a good programmer, but mathematics and physics will not necessarily imbue those skills on you. There are many different ways to learn how to be analytical and critical in your thinking.

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Cannot Login after Demoting Secondary Domain Controller

This is a very obvious and n00b mistake to make, and I am proud of my ignorance. When you remove a domain controller from a domain (not the last domain controller mind you), you do so by demoting it. In Windows 2012 R2 and newer the standard way is to uninstall the "Active Directory Domain Services" role from Server Manager, and selecting the "Demote this domain controller" option when prompted.

However, following this procedure will cause a reboot, and when you try to log in you may, if you were as ignorant as I was, find yourself locked out of the server. I tried to log in under the domain administrator account but got the error:

There are no logon servers available to service the logon request

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Project #7: Chess Table

This is a complicated and ongoing project. But here is a teaser...

Chess Table Top
Chess Table Top

Update: 26 May 2019 The table is finished.