Just had a client tell me their VOIP system is down after a power failure. I saw the machine was not responding (remotely) so I asked that they check to ensure it is turned on. While waiting for their response, I checked a couple of times to see if it has been turned on. When I picked up that the server responded to my pings, I quickly fixed a couple of settings both on the VOIP server and on the trunk configuration to make it work again.
I sent an email to the client telling them I fixed it and it should be working. Client tells me that they turned it on and it is working, implying that that was the cause of the problem. So they never realized that I put in real work to make it function properly, that turning it on was merely a small step in the whole process.
Point is - being too efficient many times bite you in the foot when it comes time to explain your bill to the client.
I am very excited that finally after 6 years of neglect, you have decided to give to the professional community what they wanted - a customizable, expandable, (hopefully) properly cooled professional workstation.
It can go up to 4 GPUs, 1.5TB RAM, 28 Xeon cores and has 8 PCIe 16x slots for expansion. Wonderful stuff. However...
WTF Apple?
This is getting more out of hand each day - look at the price difference between an old (previous generation) 2TB T3 Samsung USB drive vs a new T5 drive of the same capacity. There is no price review at all.
A Paul Sellers original, here is my attempt at making something that will help me get rid of the bloody flies in my workshop.
After 5 months of working most weekends 10+ hour days, I finally managed to finish my chess table. I did not turn my own chess pieces, that I purchased. However the rest is all me. It is made of Wenge and Birds Eye Maple. Everything was made using hand tools - no electricity involved other than the occasional bandsaw assist and my lights.