Ridiculous AI Based Pricing Algorithms

This is getting more out of hand each day - look at the price difference between an old (previous generation) 2TB T3 Samsung USB drive vs a new T5 drive of the same capacity. There is no price review at all.

Amazon.ca price madness
Amazon.ca price madness

Project #8: Fly Swat

A Paul Sellers original, here is my attempt at making something that will help me get rid of the bloody flies in my workshop.

Fly Swat
Fly Swat
Fly Swat Handle
Fly Swat Handle
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Project #7: Chess Table Completed

After 5 months of working most weekends 10+ hour days, I finally managed to finish my chess table. I did not turn my own chess pieces, that I purchased. However the rest is all me. It is made of Wenge and Birds Eye Maple. Everything was made using hand tools - no electricity involved other than the occasional bandsaw assist and my lights.

Final Chess Table - White Side
Final Chess Table - White Side
Final Chess Table - Black Side
Final Chess Table - Black Side
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Time Travel Paradox

It seems more and more movies these days make use of time travel as a main plot line. I am specifically referring to traveling to the past - as travelling into the future is not just plausible, it is proven to be possible.

The thing with traveling into the future - there is no breaking of any known physical laws.

Traveling into the past is another story. Forget the grandfather paradox. Why is nobody discussing the blatant violation of The Law Of Conservation of Energy? If you traveled back in time there would be two of you. Where did the energy come from to support your second copy? Conservation of energy must be amended to sum energy over a different temporal period than the current definition for time travel into the past to work.

Hummingbirds Are Back :)

Rufous Hummingbird #1
Rufous Hummingbird #1
Rufous Hummingbird #2
Rufous Hummingbird #2