Be Wary of Partial Truths From Commercial Bias

I recently listened to this BlackBerry sponsored summit from 2016 whereby the security person explained how to hack a wireless network through an IoT based kettle. Most of the content is fine and accurate, however one thing did tick me off as it is simply untrue and feels like they said it to promote their own security software. Listen to the Youtube video below, at time 13:24.

He claims that no forensics team in the world will be able to determine how the network was compromised. But that is not entirely true. Seeing that he was targeting an office network, it is reasonable to expect the office may have non residential grade equipment, like Ubiquiti's line of networking equipment. To detect the entry point - i.e. the rogue WiFi access point that was used, the Ubiquiti line of products (and many other enterprise grade equipment) will clearly detect and log the presence of such a rogue access point, as per below, when I tried to perform a similar attack:

Rogue Access Point Detected
Rogue Access Point Detected
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My Photos Are On Television!

Well, Netflix, if that counts as television. Three of my peacock feather photos have been featured in the Netflix Series "Explained", Season 2 Episode Beauty.

Netflix Series "Explained", Season 2 Episode Beauty
Netflix Series "Explained", Season 2 Episode Beauty

Apple Watch - On Call, No Auto Lock

I found something interesting. Not sure if it is a bug or by design, but when you are on a phone call with an Apple Watch Series 5 GPS model, you can take off the watch, then put it back on your wrist and it will not auto lock while you are on the call. It seems kind of wonky... If someone grabs the watch from your wrist while you are on a phone call, they can put it on their wrist and have it unlocked?

Root Cause Analysis: Unexpected Server Shutdown

This morning I woke up to the sound of silence in my small server room. It appears the server was completely shut down, no fans spinning, no buzzing and no humming. A couple of days ago I was fixing various corruption issues and thought I did not fix it properly. It is Saturday, I want to work on my next woodworking project, but now I had to troubleshoot ANOTHER server issue. If this week was not enough already...

I turned on the server, then went to my workstation to try and connect to it. First small win - the server boots properly. So I fired up Event Viewer and filtered on errors and warnings. None were found - curious, I thought. I removed the filter and scrolled through the list - eventually finding this jewel:

Log Name:      System
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
Date:          2019-11-01 6:17:32 PM
Event ID:      109
Task Category: (103)
Level:         Information
Keywords:      (70368744177664),(1024),(4)
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      SERVER
The kernel power manager has initiated a shutdown transition.

Shutdown Reason: Button or Lid
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Where Is My OCR In 2019?

Yes, you heard right - it is 2019 and I STILL do not have any way to OCR an image natively in macOS Catalina. And no, Notes sucks. I do not want to OCR and index images, I want to convert images to text I can copy and paste and work with. To the best of my knowledge Notes only OCRs and indexes content to make it searchable, it does not allow you to copy text.

OneNote's OCR sucks. I'll add an image and after 30 minutes there is still no option to copy the text. Sometimes it takes up to an hour. That makes it a no starter.

It is 2019 and I assumed by now we will have native OCR support in our operating systems. So disappointed. At least I found this, but I should not have to.