Night Out In Downtown

Downtown Vancouver - Canada Place & Docks - Handheld Sony A7R4
Downtown Vancouver - Canada Place & Docks - Handheld Sony A7R4

Project #11: Laundry Basket

This project is an identical replica of Paul Seller's Eco Bin project. I used Oak and plywood from West Wind Hardwoods and once again only used non-electrical hand tools (except for the bandsaw which I used to re-saw some pieces, and a cordless drill for some pilot holes).

Laundry Basket - Full view
Laundry Basket - Full view

This piece is unique as it has 42 mortise and tenon joints, and chopping these by hand takes quite a lot of time. Also, the plywood presented particular problems being about 5.9mm thick, and therefore thinner than the closest chisel I had which was 6.3mm. I had to adjust the chisel to make it closer to 6mm for the joints to be tight.

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Just Now

Sunset over Ladner - iPhone 11 Pro
Sunset over Ladner - iPhone 11 Pro

iPhone 11 Pro Is Not Bad At Night

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Christmas Lighting 1
Christmas Lighting 2
Christmas Lighting 2

Lagrange - You've Got It Wrong, It Is 9D, Not 4D

It appears that Lagrange was very confused when he figured our world could be described as a four dimensional (4D) system comprised of 3D space and a fourth time dimension. See, this shop proves conclusively that there are actually 9 dimensions:
