This project is an identical replica of Paul Seller's Eco Bin project. I used Oak and plywood from West Wind Hardwoods and once again only used non-electrical hand tools (except for the bandsaw which I used to re-saw some pieces, and a cordless drill for some pilot holes).
This piece is unique as it has 42 mortise and tenon joints, and chopping these by hand takes quite a lot of time. Also, the plywood presented particular problems being about 5.9mm thick, and therefore thinner than the closest chisel I had which was 6.3mm. I had to adjust the chisel to make it closer to 6mm for the joints to be tight.
It appears that Lagrange was very confused when he figured our world could be described as a four dimensional (4D) system comprised of 3D space and a fourth time dimension. See, this shop proves conclusively that there are actually 9 dimensions: