I recently had some users encounter this error whilst trying to load QuickBooks 2007 on a Windows 2008 Terminal Server:
QuickBooks error
To resolve this, I took the following approach:
Since this is a terminal server, does it fail when run as administrator too? Tested this - works fine under administrator account. That means the base quickbooks system has been installed correctly. It could only be a profile or permission issue.
Since it is complaining about a file that could not be loaded, I downloaded Process Monitor from Windows SysInternals and fired that up under the problematic account. I made sure to filter only on the quickbooks process as to not receive too many events.
Once running, I tried to launch QuickBooks. Once it failed with the above error, I stopped the monitoring.
Scrolling down showed this: Process Monitor
As I have indicated, these two files were not found and since that is in the local user's profile, it was a very clear hint that maybe those files were missing. Indeed they were.
Since I knew Administrator worked, I copied the C:\users\administrator\Windows directory over to C:\Users\test\.
When I loaded QuickBooks again it worked, however I got a new error: Open Of Save File
To resolve this I ran Process Monitor again and it showed insufficient permissions to these two registry keys:
I simply granted all users full access to those two nodes.