People are... A person is...

The team at coupon code website conducted a flash poll to ask Apple product owners what they thought of the announcements. Of the 1,427 people that responded to the survey, more than three quarters, 76%, believe that Apple releases products "too regularly."

WTF? Should have read "...more than three quarters, 76%, are stupid."

The problem with job finding in IT today

15 years ago, finding a job in IT was not too hard. And quite simple at that too. This was mostly attributed to:

  1. IT skills were lacking at the time - it was a young profession.
  2. IT skills could be counted.

I want to talk about the second point. When you search for a new IT job, the typical synopsis is as follow:

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This place... like a relationship. It can be one the most glorious, bright and alive places to be but also the darkest, saddest and moodiest places... Unfortunately for the next 8 months this is what surrounds me.

Surrey Weather In October - iPhone 4S
Surrey Weather In October - iPhone 4S
Surrey Weather In October - Canon 5D Mark III
Surrey Weather In October - Canon 5D Mark III

PostgreSQL vacuum full takes extremely long

If you have a large database, with some large tables and perform a mass update or delete statement, chances are that you will be out of a lot of disk space due to the MVCC architecture of the database engine. Updates are basically inserts and deletes, which bloats the database. If a database is say 100GB, and a table is 20GB, if you perform a mass update on all rows of that table, your database will grow in size to about 120GB. The old rows are left and will be re-used as time goes on, however therein lies the problem. Sometimes you do not have the luxury of lots of free disk space, and need to reclaim it immediately.

A first attempt at reclaiming the lost disk space is to perform a

vacuum full freeze verbose analyse <tablename>
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IntelliJ Idea and SVN, Comparing Branches

I sometimes have a need to compare a specific file between the trunk of my SVN tree, and another branch of the same code using IntelliJ's built in difference viewer. But I always struggle to set it up correctly. Here is the rundown:

My tree is structured like:

Base -> Client -> Project -> trunk -> src
                          -> branches -> branch1 -> src
                                      -> branch2 -> src
                                      -> branch3 -> src
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