When Are You Gross?

Gross and loving it
Gross and loving it

Vancouver, BC Hit With Terrible Storm

I am not one for raising news stories, but this one hit close to home. With no electricity for 36 hours you tend to suffer some consequences. Such as throwing out $400 worth of food from your fridge / refrigerator. Potentially losing very expensive fish from your aquarium due to O2 starvation, cold and buildup of H2S in the biofilter due to anaerobic conditions due to the stagnant water. Needing to wash yourself in freezing cold water...

These are from a 1.5km radius from my home:

Vancouver, BC Storm 2015
Vancouver, BC Storm 2015
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Spyder4Elite Calibration Woes on Apple 27" Cinema / Thunderbolt Displays

I upgraded to a Spyder4Elite a while ago to help re-calibrate my two Apple 27" displays - one a LED Cinema screen, the other a newer Thunderbolt. The initial calibration was very successful, however when I tried again a month ago I found that the calibration seemed perfect except that the neutral shadows were all messed up - they had a red / magenta cast to them.

I tried a full calibration, changing the brightness of the room etc and nothing helped. The problem was especially bad when using Lightroom, as all its panels lower than about 127,127,127 RGB would display a horrible red / magenta cast and not be neutral. I even took photos with my camera set to manual white balance to prove this.

The solution was quite simple in the end - I usually set my display brightness quite low as the ambient light levels are low and this reduces strain on my eyes. However, it seems that at these low values display calibration can mess up the darker parts of the display brightness range. So I bumped up the display brightness on both screens to 120 cd/m2 and used that as target too. Once calibrated I lowered the brightness on both monitors to a comfortable viewing level, and reviewed the neutral shadows. They were perfect to my eyes.

Vancouver Anime Revolution 2015 - Cosplay

Just finished taking some photos of the Saturday and Sunday cosplay characters in downtown Vancouver at the annual Anime Revolution. Think some of them look pretty awesome.

Vancouver Anime Revolution '15 Cosplay
Vancouver Anime Revolution '15 Cosplay

it is all in the fine print...

Imagine this scenario:

A boy and a girl meet and fall madly in love with each other. A year later they decide to get married. Standing in front of the minister, the boy, now a man, is asked: "...from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, ...", to which he enthusiastically responds YES. Because he loves her. His fiancée is asked the same question. She however responds as follow: YES, then murmurs softly: pursuant to disclaimer. The man being filled with testosterone does not hear this fine print, they are married and they have many kids.
Five years later, she sues him for divorce and all his possessions as he is stinking rich. The man thinks she has no case, because of her vow she made at the wedding ceremony. However, the disclaimer she so non-eloquently had uttered, and which he had failed to review, granted her the legal right to all his possessions if she ever grown tired of him. Which she did. He had no case. As he never reviewed her disclaimer.

Would you be pissed? Her disclaimer was uttered so softly it can almost be considered a secret. I don't care for these people as they are fake as is the story. What I do care about is the principle. If a trusted third party is paid for their services, and makes a public statement that affects potentially millions of people's decisions, then that statement better be clear and honest and direct.

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