Fix Microsoft SQL Server User Login Bindings

If you ever tried to backup / restore a Microsoft SQL Server database from one server to another, or one database instance to another, you might have run into the issue where the database security user account has been restored but it does not have a corresponding instance login account, or, the instance login account is present but it is not linked to it. You may be tempted to open up the instance login account and assign it to the database and database user account, but you will receive an error:

User, group, or role 'XXX' already exists in the current database (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 15023)

The fix is simple - run this from an SQL window:

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How to connect to Microsoft LocalDB

Sometimes you need to connect to an instance of SQL LocalDB and all you have to go on is the ConnectionString that looks like this:


Trying to use SQL Server Management Studio to connect to (localdb)\mssqllocaldb would most likely fail. Instead, run the command:

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Apple TV 4 and Dolby Digital Woes

The new Apple TV 4 does not have an optical out any longer, meaning all audio has to pass via the HDMI interface. When I replaced my Apple TV 3 with the new version, I found that my surround sound receiver did not play back any DTS or Dolby Digital soundtracks in any of my encoded movies, or Apple TV rented / purchased movies. My Yamaha amp kept on showing PCM mode (HDMI is connected between Apple TV and receiver, the receiver then passes this on to the monitor as a final output of video only) . For all my encoded movies it was restricted to 2 channel stereo, the Apple TV based movies were 5.1 channel PCM.

The fix was to go to Settings -> Audio Settings -> Surround Sound mode to Dolby Surround. This may or may not work for you depending on a thousand factors.

Apple Time Machine Auto Backup Stops Working

If you find your Apple Time Machine suddenly stopped following the automatic hourly backup schedule, and only works when initiated manually, check if you have a UPS data cable connected to your Mac. If you do, take it out. It confuses non laptop Macs into thinking it is permanently on battery, thus preventing Time Machine from automatically backing up your data.

Silence does not mean I have forgotten :(
