Why do journalists insist on doing this:
Take a look at the video and tell me if that is what you would consider a crash landing:
You are in heaven as you just signed up for your 1 month free porn subscription, and want to stream and save as much smut your internet link can handle, because you are a lonely looser nerd that needs to stock up on material for the long winter ahead. You run as fast as your legs can carry you to your favourite shop in the whole wide world - Best Buy. But alas - so many options to choose from when trying to buy that huge external hard disk drive.
So you google some products you see and find this:
If you have some old hard disks lying around and are considering selling them, it is important that you wipe them before passing them along - otherwise your data can very easily fall in to the wrong hands. There are a billion ways to wipe a disk - this article is not a tutorial. It is a reminder of something you might not be aware of. It definitely applies to using the unix command "dd" to perform a disk wipe, possibly to other tools as well.
A naive approach might be to issue this command:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/diskX bs=4m
I have just received some unsolicited communications from a company trying to sell their software - nothing unusual there. However the two videos that were linked were kind of hilarious. The first one made me want to commit suicide. The second one wanted me to regret that decision. See for yourself: