Project #2: Mason Bee Home Project

My second woodworking project is complete. I must be honest - I did not try to make this perfect. I really just wanted to get it done, partly because it is cold in the garage and because I hate pine. It is not an easy wood to work with - it has knots and is incredibly soft. Making flutes that have perfect entrance and exit holes is something I am still aiming for, but I am not there yet. Coupled with some chipping that sometimes happen, some of the holes are just not neat. Also, I do not yet have my shooting board so I struggle a bit with making my stock perfectly straight and square.

Remember, this is all done by hand - no electricity was used. Not even for drilling. Also, the point of a mason bee home is that it can be taken apart in the winter and the cocoons removed, that is why there is no joinery other than the four bolts and screws in the back panel.

Enough excuses - here it is.

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Apple Missed The Spot With Siri

When you say "Apple", most people will respond with:

Ah... That Apple ecosystem

It is a concept well established that Apple has the best cohesion and integration between their devices of all manufacturers - and the reason is simple, they control both the hardware and software, and manufacture all their devices. So it is much easier to support an integrated network of devices when you control the protocols, hardware and software.

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Resurrection of Long Lost Hobby

I used to spend many, many hours working hardwood with my dad when I was still young and fresh. In an attempt to reconnect with some memories I decided to start up this hobby again, but with one rule: No power tools. This does not exclude an electric drill as I do not yet have my brace / egg beater drill. But everything else is done by hand - sawing, planing, jointing etc.

My first project: An advent calendar for my offspring. I did not make the red boxes though, I had some help with those.

Advent Calendar
Advent Calendar
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Deconstruction of Salesforce Phishing Payload

To annoy myself, for anyone living under a rock, you must have heard of phishing attacks by now.

A refresher:

Phishing is the fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by disguising as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.

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HubSpot - Poor Design

HubSpot recently showed me this message:

HubSpot Upgrade Tools Message
HubSpot Upgrade Tools Message

Nothing wrong with it per se, however this message is more misleading than you may think. From the message alone it seems like I will only benefit by upgrading. "More module fields", "better template previews", "more modern coding experience". All seem to be like improvements,. So I clicked upgrade. And oh boy - when I tried to edit one of my many templates suddenly I could not add HTML fields or HubL fields any longer - the backbone of the template I have been using.

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