Great. Today my solenoid decided to break. So my Ca reactor had been running for more than 10 hours with no CO2 supply... This caused the whole tank to be cloudy.
I am wondering whether this is the cause for the sudden cyno outbreak on the LR?
I took the easy way out - I have decided publishing my MacJournal diary entries to a new blog site would be the best to keep it neatly organised by topic.
Check it out!
I have switched over to ReefCon Pro since the last entry, and have been using it ever since. However since I started using the new Beta version because of the new tank log feature, I have stopped writing in here. So 1 October I ran into a small dilemma. The software expired. Even though I purchased a license, the BETA expired and there is no indication the publisher is going to release a new version anytime soon.
The dilemma now is whether I should fall back to using ReefCon 1.6 (and loose out on all my tank log entries), start using Maquarium (for Mac OS X), stop using a software package alltogether or carry on writing in here.
Using a software tool allows me to draw graphs of my water parameters. But then, in the past 4 months I only ever looked at the graphs once... It is also more structured so it is easy to gain an overview of your tank’s status. But then, it does not really tell you more than that. I am wondering whether it might not make sense to carry on using this diary. At least then I can explain some things and motivate others whereas I could not in the other software.