I purchased a small Bamboo Shark a couple of days ago. He was eating at the LFS but not in my tank. Experience told me that sometimes these animals don’t eat not because they are not hungry, but rather because they do not like what you are offering. Take my ribbon eel - refuses anything but LM prawns. My shark - eats scallops, LM prawns and once in a while a piece of line fish. My snowflake eel eats anything - squid, LM prawns, lance fish, krill, linefish, etc. My zebra eel only eats LM prawns and krill. Will take one piece of lance fish but refuse any more. My Bird wrasse eats anything.
less is always more.
It looks like you can do anything and the features are so attractive... Until you attempt to actually do something then she slaps you in the face and says she is not ready yet.
A while ago I acclimated a black molly to my QT saltwater tank for the ribbon eel to consume. The irony is that the ribbon eel never ate him so now I have one lost molly. See, the fish firmly believes he is a saltwater fish. Eats mysis/brine/seaweed, and is especially busy during the day eating micro algae from the glass panes and substrate.
My cleaner shrimp decided a couple of days ago they are hungry and started snacking away on my two clams. They already made a 10c hole in my Crocea, and is starting to work on my Maxima too. It started with a very small pinch that they started to work on and eventually caused the clams to retract their mantles almost completely.