My new MacBook Pro 17" i7 laptop is faster in the SunSpider benchmark than my Mac Pro that is 2 years old (275ms vs. 307ms). Single Quad Core i7 2.66GHz 8GiB vs Dual Quad Core Xeon 2.8GHz 18GiB RAM.
I had this error when I tried to install an SSL certificate a client gave me:
[Thu Aug 12 17:30:37 2010] [error] Unable to configure RSA server private key
[Thu Aug 12 17:30:37 2010] [error] SSL Library Error: 185073780 error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch
The reason for this was me that was brain dead. But I am posting this so that you can see how to compare the .crt file and the corresponding .key file:
See this link at GizModo. So you need to pay $10 to buy what is essentially a piece of isolation tape pasted over two metal parts that, when touched, causes a circuit between the two conductors hence influencing the antenna's performance. Doh.
Or... is this a dog? WHAT IS THIS????
Change is good. Without change the world would still consist of... well - nothing. Amoebas? Supercharged neutrinos? Who knows. But change is good - no dispute about that.
With change comes adapting. And that can be hard. Especially depending on the change. Adapting takes time. However when you are in the eye of the hurricane things are not always clear - are they?
Change is good. Change requires adaptation. Adaptation is a process. Got it.