iPad 2 Cameras

Wow. Did not know this... The front facing camera is 640 x 480. The rear facing camera is 960 x 720. Eish... Both are less than 1MP. In fact, they represent 0.3MP and 0.675MP, respectively. In other words, they suck.

iPad 2 performance

Just a quick note on performance, it seems the iPad 2 takes 2114ms versus the iPad 1's 3323ms to complete the SunSpider Benchmark. This translates to much improved JavaScript performance whilst browsing web sites.

Guess what I picked up today?

iPad2 Cover
iPad2 Cover

Have only installed and configured it, but did not yet have time to play with it. Some additional photos:

iPad2 Top
iPad2 Top
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Please help me

Some days I wish I was just an idiot. Completely ignorant, oblivious and down right stupid. Then the world would seem to be in equilibrium.

Apple is devious

Everyone breathing knows about the Apple iPad. It is a cool tablet like computing device. It has some nifty uses and I enjoy using it for browsing the internet while sitting in the loo. Recently Apple released a new version called the iPad 2. It is faster, slimmer, has a camera and that is basically it. But because it is an Apple product, everyone is infected with "have-to-have-for-no-good-reason" sickness. So it is impossible to find one at any retail store.

Apple implemented a new facility this time whereby you can go to their online site and make a reservation. Every work day at 21:00 sharp they update their site for the specific store you choose, for the stock they received that evening. At 21:02 sharp all the stock is sold out. That is how insane people are.

So I would like to get one but for no good reason at all other than I want to. I therefore looked everywhere, but could not find one. To be expected. The release day people were queueing for 45 hours before launch, so I had zero chance of getting one. I am not that sad.

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