My new Ford Mustang GT 2011 is a real sucker when it comes to fuel consumption. When I drive enthusiastically, I get 20 l/100km. When I drive normally I get about 15 l/100km. The best I could ever muster, for a brief period of 10 minutes, was 9 l/100km, when I was driving to Osoyoos. The moment I started entering the mountain passes that figure dropped to 10 l/100km.
I just replaced the 100Mbps NIC in my Firewall that connects to the SMC cable modem with an Intel 1Gbps NIC - I managed to squeeze about 15Mbps more out of the cable modem in this configuration. Look.
In the olden days your TV either worked, or it did not. These days getting a nice HTTP 503 error code is not uncommon...
I have had this beautiful rock of Zoanthids with at least 4 different kinds on it, but ever since I got it the polyps started dying off. It made no sense to me - Zoanthids are not hard to keep, and my water parameters were very good. It was not until 5 months later, yesterday night, that I saw out of the corner of my eye the cause...
A light brown crab the size of a toony with black pinchers was pinching off each polyp one by one, eating them. Right in front of my eyes. So I promptly stuck my hand into the tank and grabbed it, hoping that it would not try to pinch me. Got it out, and in to the mantis tank. I heard one loud click as the mantis shrimp smashed it, but I do not think the crab got hurt. Will see if he gets eaten.